Shuttle Team!

Today was the last Team Meeting with the last instructions. H.E.A.T Festival know we are ready.

First ride: Tommorow Munich 6:00 o‘clock in the morning! Götz Arnscheid drives Coney Hatch to Ludwigsburg!


We will announce 9 bands for our 10th anniversary in 2019, Nov 30th & Dec.1st, next weekend at the festival.
We will start the pre-sales already with cheaper early bird festival tickets and VIP tickets.
But first we have to celebrate this great Line-Up with a hell of a party. Be there to feel the heat!!!
There are still tickets left for walk-ups in all categories except VIP!

Tickets Pre-Sale News!

From now on we only accept orders paid by paypal for this years edition. We also will not send them out. We will place the paid tickets at the box office!
There are tickets left in all categories, except VIP, at the festival days
See you there!

Ab jetzt akzeptieren wir Bestellungen für das Festival dieses Jahr nur noch mit der Zahlmethode Paypal. Wir verschicken die Tickets auch nicht mehr, sondern hinterlegen sie an der Abendkasse.
Es gibt noch Tickets in allen Kategorien, ausser VIP, an der Abendkasse!
Wir sehen uns dort!!!

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