H.E.A.T FESTIVAL final band confirmation (on massive public demand)

Please welcome back: HARDLINE (USA)

We know it is not cool to bring the same band two years in a row, but you, the H.E.A.T FESTIVAL fans, kept going in writing email, messanges, facebook comments how you’d love to them again.
When we met singer Johnny Gioeli on his tour with Axel Rudi Pell two weeks ago we told him about your massive request. Since he enjoyed the show last year very much and he loves to play at Rockfabrik the deal was done in less than a minute.
We are proud and happy to have this fantastic band on our Festival again!!!

H.E.A.T FESTIVAL new band announcement

Please welcome from Netherlands:

This dutch AOR band will play their first show ever in Germany. They started their career in the mid-nineties with records like “Livin’ It Up” and “Break Away” which are still some favourite tunes of ours. Followed by some more records until today they got very popular in Japan. TERRA NOVA will release a new album in 2018. We are looking forward to this very special act!

H.E.A.T FESTIVAL new band announcement

Please welcome: JEAN BEAUVOIR
The multi platinum songwriter and recording artist will play a set of greatest hits from his entire career including all the hits from his bands VOODOO X and CROWN OF THORNS as well as songs he wrote for bands like KISS or THE RAMONES. Not to forget his great works as a solo artist!

H.E.A.T FESTIVAL new band announcement

Please welcome: KEE OF HEARTS feat. Kee Marcello & Tommy Heart

We are proud to have this special act on our festival. The band with former EUROPE and EASY ACTION guitarist KEE MARCELLO and vocalist TOMMY HEART (FAIR WARNING, ex- SOUL DOCTOR) released one of the top 5 Melodic Rock albums in 2017. Besides songs of their self-titled album they will throw in some songs of their history.

H.E.A.T FESTIVAL new band announcement

Please welcome:

Terry Brock is well-known as the vocalist for UK based Melodic Rockers STRANGEWAYS as well as for his work with GIANT, ALL 41 and many others.
Terry will play all the hits from his career with the main focus on his STRANGEWAYS years. We are proud to have one of our favourite vocalist at this years festival!!


H.E.A.T FESTIVAL new band announcement

Please welcome, for the first time ever in Europe, from Canada:

Gypsy Rose released their only studio album “Prey” in 1990 on Simmons Records. This was one of the best records in Melodic Rock back then, but unfortunately they called it quits when Grunge came on the map. Now, 28 years later, founder Michael Ross heard about our fantastic festival and he said it would be a dream come true to play at least one show in Europe for those fantastic fans. Well, here they are!!!
Thanks to Mikael Svensson of Decibel Geek for making this happen!

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